
Forza Luigi che attraversa l’America in bici per battere la leucemia


Luigi Laraia, 37 anni: da poco gli è stata diagnosticata la leucemia. Non si è arreso, ha inforcato la sua bici e oggi inizia il suo viaggio di sensibilizzazione attraverso gli Stati Uniti. Questo è il blog della sua impresa: siete pronti a seguirlo? Qui il flickr con le foto della partenza.

It is the night before I leave from the Italian Embassy in Washington DC at 2pm and I am not as nervous as I thought I’d be.

I am thinking of the fundraising, of what it can do to the research, I am hopeful that the LLS will raise, through me and many others, enough cash to significantly support research for blood cancers. The causes of leukemia remain unknown. However, there is hope in the effectiveness of recently developed treatment methods; there have been considerable advances in research which will hopefully close the gap to finding the cure to leukemia and blood-related cancers.

I am also thinking of the financial struggle of many families that cannot afford health insurance. What does it mean to them? Death? Permanent traumas, isolation, affliction, rage? Those left out have to deal with struggles that no human being should know. The financial burden for treatment is a shameful legacy that no country should bestow upon his citizens. I hope that things will change.

It was not easy to “go public” with my condition but I did it because I hope that fighting the miles right in the middle of cancer treatment will send a strong message of hope to those who are ill and I will get to contribute to the cause of cancer research.

I am very hopeful…

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